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From the Editors


The UCity Review is published twice a year.

Content is gathered via solicitation and open submissions (see Submissions section).

Each issue highlights a noteworthy writer, whom the editors believe deserves more exposure.


As for the likes and dislikes of UCity editors, keep in mind these words of Zbigniew Herbert:

"In Poland," Herbert once stated, "we think of the poet as prophet;
he is not merely a maker of verbal forms or an imitator of reality. The poet expresses the deepest feelings and the widest awareness of people....

"The language of poetry differs from the language of politics. And, after all, poetry lives longer than any conceivable political crisis.

"The poet looks over a broad terrain and over vast stretches of time. He makes observations on the problems of his own time, to be sure, but he is a partisan only in the sense that he is a partisan of the truth. He arouses doubts and uncertainties and brings everything into question."


Andrew Cox and Raphael Maurice
Lisa Sass (emeritus, 1-8)


Thalia Sass

Editors in Spirit

Don Finkel
Mona van Duyn
Howard Nemerov
John Morris



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